
Potomac Aikikai was founded in 2004 by Asim Hanif sensei when he originally opened up the Woodbridge Aikido Club, located in Woodbridge, VA. In 2007, the Dojo was relocated and reopened in Ashburn, VA. Hanif Sensei moved on to the next stage in his life in late 2014, leaving the dojo to his senior students after guiding 3 of them to Yudansha level. Then in 2016, Hanif Sensei moved to Arizona and founded Valley Aikido AZ, located in Phoenix, AZ. At least once a year, several of Hanif Sensei’s students travel to Phoenix to continue training with him and the students of Valley Aikido AZ.

Asim Hanif, Godan, Founder of Potomac Aikikai

Ranked at 5th dan by the World Aikikai Foundation (Tokyo, Japan) and awarded fukushidoin (certified instructor) by the Capital Aikido Federation. He is a student of Clyde Takeguchi Shihan.

Training background includes 2 world kickboxing titles, boxing, karate (nidan), and judo.

Although Hanif Sensei no longer participates in the day to day machinations of Potomac Aikikai, he continues to be a mentor and guide to several of his senior students.

Information about Clyde Takeguchi Shihan, can be found here


For more information about the current instructors, please follow this link.


After the departure of Hanif Sensei, several changes occurred in an effort to keep the dojo running. Potomac Aikikai Inc. was founded as a 501(c)(3) non-profit in 2016 and the Dojo was moved to a new facility in nearby Sterling, VA.

In keeping in accordance of non-profit guidelines, bylaws were established and officers and directors were elected. The most recent election occurred on October 17, 2020.

The following Directors were elected:

  • Thomas Boggs

  • Art Alabin

  • Lawrence Logan

  • Ed Santos

The following Officers were elected:

  • President : Greg Hilgenberg

  • Vice President: Lawrence Logan

  • Secretary: Diana Mann

  • Treasurer: Jeff Taylor

Potomac Aikikai 2.0